Tai Chi Q&A

Q: "If I am breathing at a different pattern than the lead, should I slow down or quicken my breathing to match?"
A: Find your own rhythm. We are all different, unique.
A slow breath is wonderful and more powerful in syncing our mind and body, but your slow and my slow can be quite diffferent.
Use a pace that you enjoy.
Do what feels right for you.

Q: What if I cannot do a specific movement like the lead?
Then, move in another way.
If you are moving safely, slowly, with Breath Awareness, you are practicing good Tai Chi.

Q: The lead moves smoothly. I do not. What can I do?
Practice. Come to session often and practice.
We get best at what we do most.

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Out beyond ideas of wrong-doing and right-doing there is a field. I'll meet you there.

-- Rumi