
Trained and certified teacher of Kundalini Yoga (member of KRITA), Hatha Yoga, and Yin Yoga (registered with Yoga Alliance - RYT-500E)
Trained and certified Yoga Nidra Meditation Facilitator and Trainer (Amrit Yoga Institute)
Teacher of Yoga50Plus,the yoga for every body
Tai Chi for Health/Arthritis Leader certified
Tai Chi Flow Leader Certified
Therapeutic Qigong Leader certified
Board Certified Hypnotist with NBPES (National Board of Professional and Ethical Standards),
- a member of NGH (National Guild of Hypnotists), and
- a member of IACT (International Association of Counselors and Therapists)

I have been a practitioner of meditation for decades, though I did not always call it meditation.

In the 1980s, I suffered from severe depression (due to stress from work, stress in my social life and a general feeling of loss of control). Luckily, I had a very good Primary Care Physician. Once he realized I was having very unhealthy thoughts, he put me on medication (for the short term) and sent me to Bio-Feedback training. The next few weeks changed my life. Bio-Feedback is just a scientific name for a monitored type of meditation. It taught me how to relax, how to manage stress better, how to clear my thoughts, and gave the control of my life back to me. I was able to go off the medications. I still (and always will) practice this form of meditation.

What I did not realize at the time.. is that this was my introduction to observing and moving the energy of my body. This meditation practice gave me physical calm in the short term, while helping to rewire my brain to relax my mind and body in the long term. Dealing with stress takes more that just physical relaxation. It takes mental change, too.

Along my path, I have found other tools that help: Kundalini yoga, meditation (mindfulness, Yoga Nidra), moving meditation (Tai Chi and Qigong), breath work, and self-hypnosis.

After giving up on gym Yoga in my 20s when my fragile young ego would not accept being the only male in classes of extremely flexible young women, I did not return to yoga until my 50s when a friendship with an accomplished mature yogi opened doors for me into a wide world of yoga. That relationship started a path in Kundalini Yoga that changed my life. Experience in yoga asanas/postures has led me to all ther limbs of yoga, where I learned that the postures were only a small part of yoga (and by far not the most important nor most beneficial). This knowledge has allowed me to grow in many unexpected ways.

Six years later, a reformed gym rat, I am a dedicated yogi, a Yoga Teacher, a dedicated meditator, a Yoga Nidra Facilitator, a Tai CHi teacher, and a much healthier person.

With a focus on relaxation, healthy breathing, rejuvenating body stretches, weight management awareness, and how to achieve stress reduction, I create classes and workshops for "the Rest of Us," individuals who mistakenly think yoga is too demanding, too difficult, beyond their capabilities, not for them...... Individuals who say "I am not flexible enough, I am too old, I have physical limits, I am overweight, etc"

All you need is the right style, the right class, the right teacher to enjoy and benefit from the mindful movement of yoga and/or Tai Chi.

I invite you to join me on my journey. Come move with me. Together, let’s deal better with stress and grow in our vital life.

Sat Nam, Namiste,

My current classes serve people over 50, people who prefer a chair to a mat, people with dementia, people with Parkinson's disease, people who want to change their body size, and people who want a positive change in life.
If you fit into any of these groups, check out the SCHDEDLE at VitalLifeYoga.com or email me at Ty@VitalLifeYoga.com

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Those who are free of resentful thoughts surely find peace.

-- Buddha